Do you want to know how to design and maintain your garden correctly? Do you want to know how others take care of their beautiful garden? Have you struggled with how to plant your flower?

Join and BlOOM your Garden.

BLOOM is a mobile application that helps people meet other gardening lovers, get gardening ideas, tips and more.

Make it stand out

This project is awarded 2023 New York Product Design Award in the category of UX Design - Motion Design


Problem framing, Concept development, Validation, User testing


UI UX design, Design strategy, User research, Branding design


March 2022 - August 2022


The Challenges

The challenge was to design a new platform for plant lovers and home gardeners. In this case study, I conducted user research, experienced flows, and improve my prototypes based on the insights. It has:

  • Created a platform to showcase and share your garden and horticulture skills

  • Connected gardening lovers and build a community

  • Helped document gardening-related events and maintenance records

Why is this a Problem?

People lack the platform to share and show

People don’t have a place to discuss and share their gardening skills.

People need help to save their plants

Beginners couldn’t get help from experienced gardeners when their plant’s dying.

People cannot keep track of their maintenance records

Remembering watering date and time is extremely hard for busy workers.

The Goals

People love to explore gardening ideas and tips on this BLOOM App

People go to this app for help when they find issues in their garden

Gardeners make friends and created a community for like-minded people.

Design Approach


Robert Novak

Male, 78, white, retired pilot

β€œWith over 30 years of gardening, I would like to share my experience with others. "


Know the basics of a smartphone


Excellent gardening experiences

Passionate about gardening and want to share

Pain points

Intimidated by complex software

Distracted by ads


Share photos and techniques

Record plant maintenance

Give feedback to other gardeners’ posts

Mary Connor

Female, 27, white, graduate student

"I am new to gardening and want to record when I need to water my plants. "


Excellent at digital devices


New to gardening

Anxious to find the right instruction

Pain points

Wordy instructions on the Internet

Lose track of numerous ideas


Watering record and reminder

Notes for maintenance

Saved articles

Iris Lum

Female, 55, African American, nurse

"I would like to explore something easy and low-cost to build for my garden"


Good and familiar with devices


A few years of gardening experience

Want to try a new style for her current yard

Pain points

Not having enough time to research articles

Couldn’t find the right expert

Couldn’t share her garden and get feedback


Explore themes and ideas

Enhance garden skills

POV Framing

As a _______ I need to _______ because ______.


Robert retired a few years ago and has lots of time for his garden. He is also an experienced gardener who needs a simple app to share his expertise because he is passionate about gardening but doesn’t understand much about digital devices. Now he is popular and a star blogger on BLOOM.

# Experienced Gardener # Sharing


Iris is a nurse who needs to find some gardening ideas and implementation tips because she is redesigning her garden. With BLOOM, she found her favorite planting design and implemented it at a low cost.

# Documentening # Exploring


Mary is a graduate student who just bought her own house with a nice garden. Since she’s new to gardening, she needs to find insightful and concise instructions but failed because the existing resources are messy and confusing. She joined BLOOM because she can always find the right solution to her garden and also meet new friends here.

# New to Gardening # Social Community


User Insights

User Needs

  • To get tips and improve gardening skill

  • To explore garden design ideas

  • To share experiences in gardening and maintenance

  • To document gardening-related events

User Goals

  • To connect with like-minded people and make friends

  • To design and maintain gardens beautifully

  • To build self-esteem and achieve satisfaction by sharing

  • To stay active and reduce stress

The Opportunity

How might we create an online gardening community with helpful solutions and ideas that can engage the online community?

02 β€” IDEATE

  • Storyboard

  • Paper wireframes

  • Digital wireframes

  • Low-fidelity prototype


Lucy was sad about the dying plants on her balcony. Her friends recommended her the BLOOM App, and Lucy followed the instructions from others. Eventually, she managed to bring her plant back to life and flourished afterward.

Paper Wireframe

Digital Wireframe


Sign up


  • The straightforward process to start

  • Distinguished theme color

  • Easy to log in with existing social media accounts

  • Applying Hick’s Law to limit choices and reduce reaction time

Customize your feed


  • Delightful preference setting to understand user's level of expertise

  • Gardening level indicator for customized feed

  • Target main function and purpose

Browsing and tab changing


  • Browsing followed images, trending, and nearby posts

  • Alternative tab changing by tab or drag the page

  • Switch seamlessly for the ideal feed

Search ideas


  • Smooth image search with popular keywords

  • Endless vertical scrolling for an uninterrupted searching experience

  • Non-staggered layout that conforms to the order of reading

UX Flow

Style Guide

I created a style guide that would match well with the overall theme and mood of the online gardening community. I chose colors that elicited a sense of freshness and optimism.


Key Takeaways

This project is a transition for me. It is my first time finishing the whole process of the design thinking model and building my own design system. I really appreciate the opportunity to combine two fields together with UX and landscape design. I applied my previous knowledge to this project, using gardening as a medium to bring the community together.

Overall, I appreciate what I got for this project by doing paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on design solutions and so on.