Bi-Bi Zoo

Redesign the mobile system for the web

Deliverable: Responsive Website

Role: [Individual] Web design, UI design, Design strategy

Duration: 12 weeks

Tool Used: Adobe XD

The Context

Bibi Zoo is a collection of healing and interesting stories, currently only on mobile devices.

Bibi Zoo used to publish its articles and stories only on social media like WeChat and Weibo. But as the firm expands, it enriches its services and has more and more products. So, building up the website can:

  1. help the firm organize all the services they have

  2. make it easier and quickly find what users want

  3. encourage loyalty and brand recognition

The Problem

The current mobile interface is hard to follow when users try to find several key functions such as shopping or searching for a particular article. The need to have an alternative information architecture for all the functions and access to the web version is urgent.


For example, when you want to get to the shopping page, the current mobile version involves 6 steps 😤 (if you are lucky):


The redesigned web version: 2 easy steps, simple and clear 😌

The Design Goals

This case study refactors with a focus on a better user experience, a bolder expression of branding throughout the site, and much more functionality include:

  1. Redesign the information architecture, clearly emphasize primary products

  2. Embody the core characteristics of Bibi Zoo throughout all components of their visual design system

  3. Simplify workflow and improve user-centered experiences

The Challenge

How might we create a straightforward visual design system for the website?

Information Architecture

What are the primary functions of Bibi Zoo?

This is the new information structure of the navigation website.

Start from paper wireframes

What is a good way to lay out all the pages?

Paper wireframes are a great and quick start to imagining what the pages could look like.

Digitize to low-fi prototype

What are the exact spacings for the website?

With wireframes, I laid down the structure of the website, and a base for the final design digitally.

The Product

Here’s my final design.

Home page

  • Clear and intuitive navigation menu

  • One featured image showing the latest story

Story page

  • The story will be presented in a sequence that optimizes screen size with responsive adjustment

  • At the end of the current story, other stories will encourage more reading

Story page 2

  • The consistent layout on the story page

Theme stories

  • This page shows the different story themes that Bibi has

  • Users can click on the thumbnail to further explore the full story

Hiring page

  • The hiring page has a hiring poster that attacks potential employee to join their team

  • This branding strategy also shows consistency of the branding and firm culture

Closing Thoughts

Why this project?

I love reading their stories. And I find not being able to read their stories on my laptop is a pain and I assume a lot of other users are also facing the same issue. Designing a web version for the firm that I like is a great pleasure. And I am satisfied with what I come up with in the end with consistent components and strong branding strategies.

Thanks for reading!